So, I was in a bit of a bind today. I cast an actor for a part in my book. This is something I do randomly depending on the character. But usually I just take something from their work and perhaps a trait from their real life mix in some stuff I hate from other people and then BAM new character. But for the work I'm writing, I cast a massively talented and I'm told the proper term is English, actor in my lead role. And the actor WON'T LEAVE MY HEAD! Now this is really annoying but not a cause for concern until the actor, not the character, started objecting to the way I wrote the lines. So here I was in a group of friends asking for the equivalent of term for egghead in British/English whatever because this guy won't shut up.
Naturally when I explained this to my writer friends the inevitable question came up. Who is the actor. And I'm massively uncomfortable with the answer. (I don't mean uncomfortable with the actor, I mean answering the question.) Why you might ask? Well, I am by nature an exhibitionist. (On everything but sex, take your perv hats off!) So I really hate not answering the question. On the other hand, I grew up wanting to be an actor and actors (especially those who work on the stage as opposed to movies or TV shows) tend to be a superstitious lot. Even if they made the superstitions up themselves. So I'm already dancing on the jinxing edge by admitting I cast an actor in the role to begin with. Much less when I told them it's an English actor, in his fifties who is massively talented. Go forth and find the answers my friends. I'm not telling, unless of course he agrees to be lead when this thing goes to Hollywood then you can say you heard it here first!