6 Things I Forgot to Write

So I've been working this month of July on my latest novel. Now some people can write scenes out of order and still have a good book, but not me. I have to write from beginning of story arc to end of story arc to get any kind of development out of the characters. I'm down to my last chapter and half on my Camp NaNoWriMo project Roanoke, the Lost Martian Colony and I realized I've left out some pretty important things.

1) I haven't explained why there are no guns on Mars. It has to do with ricochet risk. Just once accident could bring down the whole colony, much like having a gun on plane. Now I know there are special bullets air marshals carry to reduce the risk of depressurizing a plane, but it's not going to happen on Mars.

2) I have described the layout of the base, just a few of the key rooms. I was a little eager when I wrote those scenes and just basically sketched them out roughly.

3) The importance of weather. On Mars the dust storms are unbelievable, but my characters start dealing with it late in book. It needs to come in earlier.

4) A great scene brainstormed between me and a pterosaur about how somebody decorated their room with Mars Candy stuff thinking that since it's a Martian colony it was funny. It isn't.

5) The inside of everything...yeah I got twenty scenes on bee keeping and not one on what shit looks like. Hello, the audience isn't inside my head.

6) Scenes for several of the guys. There are only twenty in the book and while some have developed into nice secondary characters some don't show up at all. They're on a barren wasteland of a planet, yeah they've met.

So you ever have this happen to you?




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