Your Writing Business Plan

Last week I talked to you about why you need a business plan even if you are only writing as a hobby. This week I'm going to give you the basics of that plan.

If your a planner, then you will be familiar with how I'm building out this business plan. If you are more in the pantser novelist mode, you're probably wondering how this would apply to you. Just give writing your business plan a try, it won't take long.

Many people mistakenly assume writing a business plan is all about the money. But that just isn't true. While money is a necessary focus of a business plan, it's not everything. Just as important are knowing your market, developing your brand, and defining your skill gap.

Writing a plan allows us to delve into the ruthlessly practical. So let's focus on jus one small goal, our words per day. If you have to hold down a job, then set your word count low. I started at 500 words per day five days a week. I didn't have more than 2 hours to write. What I found is that by setting my goal small: I felt better about my writing; I actually finished my first novel; I didn’t have to beat myself off for missing  a day; I didn't become overwhelmed and I enjoyed writing more.

So pull out a new document and label it your business plan. Bit by bit we'll fill it in and you will enjoy your writing more.


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