Aspects of Poetry--Rhyme

Rhyme: Correspondence of sounds between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry. (Oxford English Dictionary Online, retrieved April 8, 2019

We all have played with rhyme since we were little kids. Almost all children love rhyme, it hits some magical part of the brain and resonates there throughout our life time. There is a reason The Cat in the Hat was a best seller. 

Rhyme is probably the easiest of poetry's concepts to get get your head around, and it is fun to play with rhyming words. Song lyrics would not be the same without rhyme.

Rhyme is typically used at the end of the lines and between two different lines. The pattern of where the rhyme is in a poem is called a scheme. Popular rhyming schemes include, rhyme between two consecutive lines called a couplet. Alternating rhyming lines, most familiar in a song, and other types.

According to Wikipedia, there are many types of rhyming schemes, you can look here for your favorite.

A few popular examples:

Couplet: The aformentioned AA pattern. Usually seen in AA, BB, CC, DD.\
Traditional: ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, etc.
Sonnet: 14 line poem with several variations of 4+4_3+3 scheme. So AAAA, BBBB, CDC, CDC or ABBA, ABBA, CDC, DCD, And any variation thereof.
Limerick: Scheme with a very set pattern of AABBA.
Quatrain: A four line stanza or poem. Must be for lines. There are 15 different different rhyming schemes for a quatrain, this type of poetry was perhaps made most famous by Nostradamus.

Just a few of my thoughts on rhyme. We will continue to take the elements of poetry apart the rest of this month.

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