The Best Part of Being a Novelist?

I put this question out on Twitter yesterday and I got a number of responses back from my friends. I have to say I enjoyed this. Yesterday I talked of my complete, unabashed and unholy joy of killing of characters on bad days. Yeah, I love the other stuff, but that's my favorite part.

My friends had answers about character building and world building. So I'm wondering if this is the reason we all write. At the end of the day, I write because I have a world view. I believe relationships should work a certain way and I like to write stories where that vision comes true in the end. I also think the world works a certain way and though it isn't always the way I would want it to work, you just have to deal. I put that in my books too.
The novel, I think, is an interesting medium. It's long form creation. The rules get more complicated. So here in a few shorts weeks we will be into National Novel Writing Month. I'm going to be spending the next month updating this blog about the basics of plot structure, my joy in creating plot, character building and world building. I encourage anyone who knows how to text to try. Sure it's hard, but writing is about growth: emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth. And growth is hard work. So get an idea about something and start dreaming. I'll be here to help you.


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