#PitchParty-Save the Date! August 15, 2014

Ok, since my group of friends have been hanging out (mostly on Twitter, which is quite in line with my exhibitionist self) we've been doing Pitch Parties. Now if you are a writer and you want to participate these contests take place in two distinct phases. Phase 1) We post a Twitter length book pitch and then we sit around and talk about said Twitter pitch on Twitter. Phase 2) moves right here...where you upload your 100 word pitch about your book here and we all sit around and tell you (politely but honestly) how your pitch could be better. Phase 3) Me and my rag tag team of critics will pick winners and announce them probably some time on August 19th or so. You will win one post card of the winter view either on my street out my window. Book mark this page as it is likely to get buried. I will be blogging every. single. day. during July's Camp NaNoWriMo session. Invite your writing friends, invite your family, heck invite those peeps who are thinking about writing a book to have a gander. It's all in good fun.
You don't have to have your book written to pitch. You can sign up to be a judge and still pitch, but you won't be eligible for the prize. (But you can get the post card/holiday card just for being a judge.)
Love you guys,


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